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Written by Giulio Canti on 24 Nov 2014
In the previous article I introduced the universal virtual DOM (UVDOM) and the concept of views as functions view
such that view: JSON -> VDOM
// the classic counter example <div><%= count %><button>Click me!</button></div>
function counter(state) {
return {
tag: 'div',
children: [
// prints the current count
tag: 'span',
children: state.count
// a button to increment the count
tag: 'button',
children: 'Click me!'
But this kind of view is “impassive”, that is it’s not able to react to user inputs. If I could render the view in the browser and click the button nothing will happen. In a browser user inputs are modeled as events so I need to add events to the UVDOM and a way to handle them.
First of all I add an events
section to the Node
type definition:
type Node = {
// `events` is a hash event name -> event handler
events: {
click: function,
change: function,
But what about event handlers? Views are isolated (state
is an immutable JSON).
Let’s introduce a communication system: a dictionary object<string, function>
named controller.
Let Controller
be the set of all the controllers, the view signature becomes: view: JSON x Controller -> UVDOM
function counter(state, controller) {
return {
tag: 'div',
children: [
tag: 'span',
children: state.count
tag: 'button',
children: 'Click me!',
// click event added
events: {
click: controller.increment // outgoing message
For convenience, if we accept the tradeoff to handle possible conflicts, we can merge state and controller to a single object obtaining again only one argument. At madai we call these objects sandboxes
(the name echoes our effort for testability). In React they are named props
function counter(props) {
return {
tag: 'div',
children: [
tag: 'span',
children: props.count
tag: 'button',
children: 'Click me!',
events: {
click: props.increment
Now I have a view that could theoretically render its content and communicate with the environment through the controller. If I want something usable in practice I must illustrate the view lifecycle.
This is the general lifecycle of a view:
Consider there is a problem with the attaching / detaching process: views output UVDOM trees and the related events can be deeply nested in the tree structure. How can I retrieve the events without losing the information about which node they are attached to? I need a deterministic way to traverse the tree and put an identifier, let’s call it data-id
, on its nodes. This is a simple algorithm:
data-id = '.0'
data-id = x
then its i
-th child has data-id = x + '.' + (i - 1)
root .0
node .0.0
node .0.1
node .0.1.0
node .0.2
node .0.2.0
node .0.2.1
For the counter view the result would be
tag: 'div',
attrs: {
'data-id': '.0' // root
children: [
tag: 'span',
attrs: {
'data-id': '.0.0' // first child
children: props.count
tag: 'button',
attrs: {
'data-id': '.0.1' // second child
children: 'Click me!',
events: {
click: props.increment
Now events can be linked to nodes with a hash Hooks
type Hooks = {
data-id: {
eventName: 'click',
eventHandler: function
For the counter view hooks
would be:
'.0.1': {
eventName: 'click',
eventHandler: controller.increment
Note. In React the attribute used to link events is named data-reactid
. This is the HTML of the counter view rendered by React:
<div data-reactid=".0">
<span data-reactid=".0.0">0</span>
<button data-reactid=".0.1">Click me!</button>
For clarity we can split the view lifecycle into these building blocks:
addHookId: UVDOM -> UVDOM
: add hooks to a UVDOMtoHTML: UVDOM -> string
: converts a UVDOM to HTMLtoHooks: UVDOM -> Hooks
: converts a UVDOM to Hooksattach: Hooks x DOMNode -> IO DOM
: (side effects) delegates events to the mounting nodedetach: DOMNode -> IO DOM
: (side effects) removes the delegated events from the mounted nodeThe previous build blocks can be grouped in three handy functions:
Server side rendering (React.renderToString)
function renderToString(uvdom) {
uvdom = addHookId(uvdom); // add hook identifiers
return toHTML(uvdom); // render HTML
Client side mounting (React.render)
function render(uvdom, node) {
uvdom = addHookId(uvdom); // add hook identifiers
var hooks = toHooks(uvdom); // retrieve hooks
if (!node.innerHTML) { // handle server side rendering
node.innerHTML = toHTML(uvdom); // render HTML
attach(hooks, node); // attach events to node
node.hooks = hooks; // store hooks for unmounting
Client side unmounting (React.unmountComponentAtNode)
function unmountAtNode(node) {
node.innerHTML = '';
We have now a fully functional “isomophic” system. You can check out this gist for an actual simple implementation of these three functions.
You can actually render the view in a browser typing into its console
// mounting node
var node = document.getElementById('myapp');
var controller = {
increment: function () {
console.log('now type `render(counter({count: 1}, controller), node)`');
render(counter({count: 0}, controller), node);
In this case you are the reactive engine. Let’s build something more advanced, which implements a setState
This is the minimal reactive system I can think of: the state lives in the setState
function argument (it reminds me how an Erlang node keeps its state):
var node = document.getElementById('myapp');
// the reactive loop
function setState(state) {
var controller = {
increment: function () {
setState({count: state.count + 1}); // next state
render(counter(state, controller), node);
setState({count: 0}); // start with an initial state
You can check out the code on JSFiddle.
What if I need to handle a more complex state? I could use a finite state machine.
The gist of a finite state machine in my case is:
state ------------------> render()
Ʌ |
| |
| V
+-------- transition --------+
Having a single point containing all the app state makes easy to reason about the whole system and it has several advantages:
So far we solved the render
phase. There are several emerging proposals to handle the transition
But once again I’d like to stick with the old plain ReqRes architecture:
The ReqRes architecture scales well (in the sense of the previous article):
old style
response (html)
state (server) ---------------------> render (browser)
Ʌ |
| |
request (get, post)
new style
response (JSON)
state (server) ---------------------> render (single page application)
Ʌ |
| |
request (get, post)
single page application (zoom in)
response (props)
state (SPA) ---------------------> render (React component)
Ʌ |
| |
request (props)
React component (zoom in)
response (VDOM)
state (this.state) ---------------------> render (React.render)
Ʌ |
| |
request (this.setState)
I think it would be interesting to bring the backend experience and tools to client side state management.
(if anyone is interested in such a project let me know)
Nothing said so far is strictly tied to JavaScript, hence I could choose to implement views with another programming language (say you have Ruby or Python on the server), but then how can I connect them cross-language? A mathematician would answer: find an isomorphism!
In mathematics, an isomorphism is an invertible structure-preserving mapping from one mathematical structure to another.
That is, an isomorphism expresses the property: these two things are “equal” in some way.
Let JavaScript
and Ruby
two implementations of views and f: JavaScript -> Ruby
a function such that v(json) = f(v)(json)
for all v
∈ JavaScript
, json
(that is f
maps a function written in JavaScript to a function written in Ruby that performs the same computation on all JSONs).
Then f
is a isomorphism between the JavaScript
and Ruby
monoids with respect to function composition.
As a consequence, if we had a compiler that takes a JavaScript function as input and outputs a corresponding Ruby function (or another programming language) we would have a way to express a view independent of the language.
So “isomorphic JavaScript” is a trivial case of isomorphism where f
is the identity function.
(if anyone is interested in such a project let me know)
The presented implementation isn’t bad for 170 LOC but there are some issues:
In the next article I’ll talk about Components and optimizations.