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collectUntil overview

Added in v0.1.8

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Execute an action repeatedly until the Option condition returns a None. Collects results into an arbitrary Alt value, such as a Array or NonEmptyArray.


export declare function collectUntil<M extends URIS2, F extends URIS>(
  M: Monad2<M>,
  F: Alt1<F>
): <I, E, A>(f: (i: I) => Kind2<M, E, [Kind<F, A>, Option<I>]>) => (i: I) => Kind2<M, E, Kind<F, A>>
export declare function collectUntil<M extends URIS, F extends URIS2>(
  M: Monad1<M>,
  F: Alt2<F>
): <I, E, A>(f: (i: I) => Kind<M, [Kind2<F, E, A>, Option<I>]>) => (i: I) => Kind<M, Kind2<F, E, A>>
export declare function collectUntil<M extends URIS, F extends URIS>(
  M: Monad1<M>,
  F: Alt1<F>
): <I, A>(f: (i: I) => Kind<M, [Kind<F, A>, Option<I>]>) => (i: I) => Kind<M, Kind<F, A>>
export declare function collectUntil<M, F>(
  M: Monad<M>,
  F: Alt<F>
): <I, A>(f: (i: I) => HKT<M, [HKT<F, A>, Option<I>]>) => (i: I) => HKT<M, HKT<F, A>>


import { array } from 'fp-ts/Array'
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either'
import { flow } from 'fp-ts/function'
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'
import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither'
import { collectUntil } from 'fp-ts-contrib/collectUntil'

interface Page {
  rows: Array<string>
  current_page: number
  last_page: number

// fake API
function fetchPage(current_page: number): TE.TaskEither<string, Page> {
  if (current_page <= 3) {
    return TE.right({
      rows: [`row1-Page${current_page}`, `row2-Page${current_page}`],
      current_page: current_page,
      last_page: 3,
  } else {
    return TE.left('invalid page')

const getNextInput = (page: Page): O.Option<number> =>
  page.current_page < page.last_page ? O.some(page.current_page + 1) : O.none

const collectRows = collectUntil(
    fetchPage, => [page.rows, getNextInput(page)])

collectRows(1)().then((rows) => {
    E.right(['row1-Page1', 'row2-Page1', 'row1-Page2', 'row2-Page2', 'row1-Page3', 'row2-Page3'])

Added in v0.1.8