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Shape overview

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Added in v1.0.0

Table of contents



Converts an angle into radians for use with the canvas.


export declare const angle: (angle: Angle) => number

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs an Arc shape.


export declare const arc: (x: number, y: number, r: number, start: Angle, end: Angle, anticlockwise?: boolean) => Arc

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs an Arc that forms a circle shape.


export declare const circle: (x: number, y: number, r: number) => Arc

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs a closed Path shape from a Foldable of Points.


export declare function closed<F extends URIS3>(foldable: Foldable3<F>): <E, A>(fa: Kind3<F, E, A, Point>) => Path
export declare function closed<F extends URIS2>(foldable: Foldable2<F>): <A>(fa: Kind2<F, A, Point>) => Path
export declare function closed<F extends URIS>(foldable: Foldable1<F>): (fa: Kind<F, Point>) => Path
export declare function closed<F>(F: Foldable<F>): (fa: HKT<F, Point>) => Path

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs a Composite shape.


export declare const composite: (shapes: readonly Shape[]) => Composite

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs an angle specified in degrees.


export declare const degrees: (degrees: number) => Degrees

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs an Ellipse shape.


export declare const ellipse: (
  x: number,
  y: number,
  rx: number,
  ry: number,
  rotation: Angle,
  start: Angle,
  end: Angle,
  anticlockwise?: boolean
) => Ellipse

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs an open Path shape from a Foldable of Points.


export declare function path<F extends URIS3>(foldable: Foldable3<F>): <E, A>(fa: Kind3<F, E, A, Point>) => Path
export declare function path<F extends URIS2>(foldable: Foldable2<F>): <A>(fa: Kind2<F, A, Point>) => Path
export declare function path<F extends URIS>(foldable: Foldable1<F>): (fa: Kind<F, Point>) => Path
export declare function path<F>(F: Foldable<F>): (fa: HKT<F, Point>) => Path

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs a Point from x and y coordinates.


export declare const point: (x: number, y: number) => Point

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs an angle specified in degrees.


export declare const radians: (radians: number) => Radians

Added in v1.0.0


Constructs a Rectangle shape.


export declare const rect: (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) => Rect

Added in v1.0.0



The Monoid instance for a Path.


export declare const monoidPath: M.Monoid<Path>

Added in v1.0.0


Angle (type alias)

Represents an angle specified in either degrees or radians.


export type Angle = Degrees | Radians

Added in v1.0.0

Arc (interface)

An arc with center coordinates x and y, radius r, starting and ending angles start and end, and travels in the direction given by anticlockwise (defaulting to clockwise)


export interface Arc {
  readonly _tag: 'Arc'

   * The position of the center of the arc on the x-axis.
  readonly x: number

   * The position of the center of the arc on the y-axis.
  readonly y: number

   * The radius of the arc.
  readonly r: number

   * The starting angle of the arc.
  readonly start: number

   * The ending angle of the arc.
  readonly end: number

   * If `true`, draws the `Arc` in a counter-clockwise direction. Defaults to `false` (clockwise).
  readonly anticlockwise: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

Composite (interface)

Represents a shape that is composed of several other shapes.


export interface Composite {
  readonly _tag: 'Composite'

   * The list of shapes that compose the composite shape.
  readonly shapes: ReadonlyArray<Shape>

Added in v1.0.0

Degrees (interface)

Represents an angle specified in degrees.


export interface Degrees {
  readonly _tag: 'Degrees'

   * The angle in degrees.
  readonly degrees: number

Added in v1.0.0

Ellipse (interface)

An elliptical arc centered at (x, y) with the radii radiusX and radiusY specified by rx and ry. The path starts at startAngle and ends at endAngle, specified by start and end, with the specified rotation and travels in the direction given by anticlockwise (defaulting to clockwise).


export interface Ellipse {
  readonly _tag: 'Ellipse'

   * The position of the center of the ellipse on the x-axis.
  readonly x: number

   * The position of the center of the ellipse on the y-axis.
  readonly y: number

   * The major-axis radius of the ellipse.
  readonly rx: number

   * The minor-axis radius of the ellipse.
  readonly ry: number

   * The starting angle of the arc.
  readonly start: number

   * The ending angle of the arc.
  readonly end: number

   * The rotation of the ellipse.
  readonly rotation: number

   * If `true`, draws the `Ellipse` in a counter-clockwise direction. Defaults to `false` (clockwise).
  readonly anticlockwise: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

Path (interface)

A path is a list of points joined by line segments.


export interface Path {
  readonly _tag: 'Path'

   * Indicates if the path is closed or open.
  readonly closed: boolean

   * The list of points that make up the path.
  readonly points: ReadonlyArray<Point>

Added in v1.0.0

Point (interface)

A single point consisting of x and y coordinates on a two-dimensional plane.


export interface Point {
   * The x-axis coordinate.
  readonly x: number

   * The y-axis coordinate.
  readonly y: number

Added in v1.0.0

Radians (interface)

Represents an angle specified in radians.


export interface Radians {
  readonly _tag: 'Radians'

   * The angle in radians.
  readonly radians: number

Added in v1.0.0

Rect (interface)

Represents a rectangle with top-left corner coordinates at x and y.


export interface Rect {
  readonly _tag: 'Rect'

   * The position of the top-left corner of the rectangle on the x-axis.
  readonly x: number

   * The position of the top-left corner of the rectangle on the x-axis.
  readonly y: number

   * The width of the rectangle.
  readonly width: number

   * The height of the rectangle.
  readonly height: number

Added in v1.0.0

Shape (type alias)

Represents a shape that can be drawn.


export type Shape = Arc | Composite | Ellipse | Path | Rect

Added in v1.0.0