Strong overview

The Strong class extends Profunctor with combinators for working with product types.

first and second lift values in a Profunctor to act on the first and second components of a tuple, respectively.

Another way to think about Strong is to piggyback on the intuition of inputs and outputs. Rewriting the type signature in this light then yields:

first ::  forall input output a. p input output -> p (Tuple input a) (Tuple output a)
second :: forall input output a. p input output -> p (Tuple a input) (Tuple a output)

If we specialize the profunctor p to the function arrow, we get the following type signatures, which may look a bit more familiar:

first ::  forall input output a. (input -> output) -> (Tuple input a) -> (Tuple output a)
second :: forall input output a. (input -> output) -> (Tuple a input) -> (Tuple a output)

So, when the profunctor is Function application, first essentially applies your function to the first element of a tuple, and second applies it to the second element (same as map would do).

Adapted from

Added in v2.0.0

Table of contents


Strong (interface)


export interface Strong<F> extends Profunctor<F> {
  readonly first: <A, B, C>(pab: HKT2<F, A, B>) => HKT2<F, [A, C], [B, C]>
  readonly second: <A, B, C>(pab: HKT2<F, B, C>) => HKT2<F, [A, B], [A, C]>

Added in v2.0.0

Strong2 (interface)


export interface Strong2<F extends URIS2> extends Profunctor2<F> {
  readonly first: <A, B, C>(pab: Kind2<F, A, B>) => Kind2<F, [A, C], [B, C]>
  readonly second: <A, B, C>(pab: Kind2<F, B, C>) => Kind2<F, [A, B], [A, C]>

Added in v2.0.0

Strong3 (interface)


export interface Strong3<F extends URIS3> extends Profunctor3<F> {
  readonly first: <R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind3<F, R, A, B>) => Kind3<F, R, [A, C], [B, C]>
  readonly second: <R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind3<F, R, B, C>) => Kind3<F, R, [A, B], [A, C]>

Added in v2.0.0

Strong4 (interface)


export interface Strong4<F extends URIS4> extends Profunctor4<F> {
  readonly first: <S, R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind4<F, S, R, A, B>) => Kind4<F, S, R, [A, C], [B, C]>
  readonly second: <S, R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind4<F, S, R, B, C>) => Kind4<F, S, R, [A, B], [A, C]>

Added in v2.0.0



Compose a value which introduces a tuple from two values, each introducing one side of the tuple.

This combinator is useful when assembling values from smaller components, because it provides a way to support two different types of output.

Specializing fanOut to function application would look like this:

fanOut :: forall a b c. (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> (a -> (Tuple b c))

We take two functions, f and g, with the same parameter type and we transform them into a single function which takes one parameter and returns a tuple of the results of running f and g on the parameter, respectively. This allows us to run two parallel computations on the same input and return both results in a tuple.


export declare function fanOut<F extends URIS4>(
  S: Strong4<F>,
  C: Category4<F>
): <S, R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind4<F, S, R, A, B>, pac: Kind4<F, S, R, A, C>) => Kind4<F, S, R, A, [B, C]>
export declare function fanOut<F extends URIS3>(
  S: Strong3<F>,
  C: Category3<F>
): <R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind3<F, R, A, B>, pac: Kind3<F, R, A, C>) => Kind3<F, R, A, [B, C]>
export declare function fanOut<F extends URIS2>(
  S: Strong2<F>,
  C: Category2<F>
): <A, B, C>(pab: Kind2<F, A, B>, pac: Kind2<F, A, C>) => Kind2<F, A, [B, C]>
export declare function fanOut<F>(
  S: Strong<F>,
  C: Category<F>
): <A, B, C>(pab: HKT2<F, A, B>, pac: HKT2<F, A, C>) => HKT2<F, A, [B, C]>

Added in v2.10.0


Compose a value acting on a tuple from two values, each acting on one of the components of the tuple.

Specializing split to function application would look like this:

split :: forall a b c d. (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (Tuple a c) -> (Tuple b d)

We take two functions, f and g, and we transform them into a single function which takes a tuple and maps f over the first element and g over the second. Just like bi-map would do for the bi-functor instance of tuple.


export declare function split<F extends URIS4>(
  S: Strong4<F>,
  C: Category4<F>
): <S, R, A, B, C, D>(pab: Kind4<F, S, R, A, B>, pcd: Kind4<F, S, R, C, D>) => Kind4<F, S, R, [A, C], [B, D]>
export declare function split<F extends URIS3>(
  S: Strong3<F>,
  C: Category3<F>
): <R, A, B, C, D>(pab: Kind3<F, R, A, B>, pcd: Kind3<F, R, C, D>) => Kind3<F, R, [A, C], [B, D]>
export declare function split<F extends URIS2>(
  S: Strong2<F>,
  C: Category2<F>
): <A, B, C, D>(pab: Kind2<F, A, B>, pcd: Kind2<F, C, D>) => Kind2<F, [A, C], [B, D]>
export declare function split<F>(
  S: Strong<F>,
  C: Category<F>
): <A, B, C, D>(pab: HKT2<F, A, B>, pcd: HKT2<F, C, D>) => HKT2<F, [A, C], [B, D]>

Added in v2.10.0

zone of death


Use fanOut instead.


export declare function fanout<F extends URIS4>(
  F: Category4<F> & Strong4<F>
): <S, R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind4<F, S, R, A, B>, pac: Kind4<F, S, R, A, C>) => Kind4<F, S, R, A, [B, C]>
export declare function fanout<F extends URIS3>(
  F: Category3<F> & Strong3<F>
): <R, A, B, C>(pab: Kind3<F, R, A, B>, pac: Kind3<F, R, A, C>) => Kind3<F, R, A, [B, C]>
export declare function fanout<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Category2<F> & Strong2<F>
): <A, B, C>(pab: Kind2<F, A, B>, pac: Kind2<F, A, C>) => Kind2<F, A, [B, C]>
export declare function fanout<F>(
  F: Category<F> & Strong<F>
): <A, B, C>(pab: HKT2<F, A, B>, pac: HKT2<F, A, C>) => HKT2<F, A, [B, C]>

Added in v2.0.0


Use split instead.


export declare function splitStrong<F extends URIS4>(
  F: Category4<F> & Strong4<F>
): <S, R, A, B, C, D>(pab: Kind4<F, S, R, A, B>, pcd: Kind4<F, S, R, C, D>) => Kind4<F, S, R, [A, C], [B, D]>
export declare function splitStrong<F extends URIS3>(
  F: Category3<F> & Strong3<F>
): <R, A, B, C, D>(pab: Kind3<F, R, A, B>, pcd: Kind3<F, R, C, D>) => Kind3<F, R, [A, C], [B, D]>
export declare function splitStrong<F extends URIS2>(
  F: Category2<F> & Strong2<F>
): <A, B, C, D>(pab: Kind2<F, A, B>, pcd: Kind2<F, C, D>) => Kind2<F, [A, C], [B, D]>
export declare function splitStrong<F>(
  F: Category<F> & Strong<F>
): <A, B, C, D>(pab: HKT2<F, A, B>, pcd: HKT2<F, C, D>) => HKT2<F, [A, C], [B, D]>

Added in v2.0.0